Well it's been a bit quiet for Dave over the last couple of months. After the Dacia day he has been doing his duty as a daily commuter Monday to Friday and has now clocked up nearly 10,000 miles.
My Saturdays have been mainly working at the lock and Sundays have been out on the bike with Lewy and Albert, so Dave hasn't really had any adventures.
However we are getting quite excited about the 11th October.......
So what's happening on the 11th???
It's going to be a great day and also a chance for Dave to do a circuit of the track (albeit stuck behind the marshall's safety car). And promises of CAKE from the organiser.
I've heard a rumour that Dacia UK will be coming and hopefully bringing some goodies too.
If you fancy joining us pop over to the DaciaForum McDacia Day forum and sign up.
For us it's going to be a mad weekend as I won't get home from work until 11pm, then grab a quick 5ish hours sleep before leaving home at 5 a.m. for the 390 mile drive to Knockhill. So not many photos on the way up, but hopefully loads at Knockhill and a few more on a leisurely drive home on the Sunday.
See you there!!!!!