Monday, 16 March 2015

Now that's what I call value for money.

I got Dave's Road Fund Licence renewal through at the weekend.

Having paid £200+ for the last few years before getting Dave, this was a pleasant reminder of the value of Dacia.

It also means we are getting close to Dave's first birthday.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

A morning of mixed emotions

What a beautiful morning here in Daveland, gave me a chance to give Dave his first deep clean of the year rather than the rinse offs he has had over winter.

So afterwards I decided we should go for a little drive, Spring is definately springing, lots of daffodils, snowdrops and even and handful of bunnies running around the hedgerows. Looks like one of my favourite seasons is just around the corner.

So poodling about I found a lovely little brook and farm track, so time for a few pics.

Now the downside to what was a lovely morning, about six inches from the front of the drivers door and between the lower crease and the bottom of the door I noticed this!

A small dent and very strange looking too, perfectly circular, if I didn't know better it almost looks like a sunken rivet (about the same size too).

Where it is means it couldn't have been done by someone opening their door on Dave and it's so far forward on the door I would have noticed opening the door such a short distance and catching something, so I'm at a bit of a loss on where it has appeared from.

Also found a stone chip on one of the front wings and a small one on the front bumper, but I guess after 18,000 miles I should expect some marks.